Meet The Artists

Marya Stark

In the space between art and persona there is magic. Marya Stark lives there. Drawing from influences as diverse as Classical, Broadway, Indie-Pop, Storytelling and Folk, Marya crafts a sound that is both deeply reverent and wholly original. As a multi-instrumentalist and multi-media enchantress, she creates the way she breathes; without choice or hesitation. She is a carrier of myth, mystery, and anthemic medicine songs with which she embarks to create a ceremony of the human condition, taking her audience on lucid journey's through the caverns of the soul.

Marya is a member of Starling Arrow, has had her music featured on NPR, and has released a robust body of work. Her songs have been traveling internationally through the women's empowerment movement, with many of her circle songs being shared and sung by thousands of women all over the world. 

She is dedicated to the art of voice, song craft and archetypal embodiment, supporting her students in devotion to the Muse through intimacy with the creative process. She is enchanted by kindness, nuance, synchronicity and soul remembrance, and is a life-long chaser of waterfalls.

Sedona Swan

Sedona Swan has dedicated her life to dance, discovering its transformative power from her first performance at age four. A graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, she has spent over three decades exploring movement arts, drawing inspiration from Yoga, Bellydance, Classical Indian Dance and Creative Embodiment.

A multi-modality artist with 21 years of experience in choreography and production, Swan's work illuminates the divine feminine, celebrating goddess archetypes and the transformative journeys of our own inner heroine. As an international teacher and director of globally recognized dance companies, she bridges mythic themes with modern expressions, captivating audiences from local stages to Indian palaces.

Swan’s unique style integrates dance, ritual theater and devotional intent  As an initiated priestess, she blends movement and mysticism to create spaces of empowerment and healing. Her global influence extends through performances, teaching engagements  and media projects. She holds multiple esteemed dance titles, is the co-author of The Cosmic Dancer Oracle and is a teacher on global dance studio Datura Online.

Chakaara Bliss

Chakaara Bliss is a radiant singer, dancer, and community organizer. A practitioner of beauty magic, she captivates with powerful vocals and expressive movement. Her creativity and activism unite music and people to inspire and uplift. 

Dahlia Moon

Dahlia Moon, born in the Pacific Northwest, is a dedicated artist with extensive studies in music and dance. Since 1993, she has mastered Middle Eastern dance, earning recognition as an award-winning performer and instructor. Now, she channels her dance into liberation and healing while pursuing death doula certification. 

Damion Bond

Damion Bond is forged of the sound of bare feet on wood floors, the rhythm of running sewing machines, and the awe beheld in the moon. This performance marks her fulfillment as a professional dancer, a dream and aspiration held since kindergarten. Through this project she is fully fulfilled. 

Daniel Berkman

Daniel Berkman is a Bay Area electronic musician, composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, looper and innovator of the Kora (a 21-stringed harp-lute from West Africa) and it's modern counterpart, the Gravikord. Daniel composes for dance, film, instrumental, vocal and also has recordings under his electronic music moniker Colfax.

Rev Fa Jun

Rev. Fa Jun has made it his life's mission to preserve and advance the wisdom traditions he has received from his teachers. He holds the inner sciences of meditation and contemplation, and the outer sciences of evidence based practices to be of equal importance for a rich human life. 


Ishra Blanco

Ishra is a multi-dimensional dancer and Empoweress. Voracious in her dance education and travels, she respects the embodied wisdom of the cultures. With 30 years of belly dance experience, she teaches in Guelph, Ontario and online, and is the founder of Invoketress, a troupe of bewitching women, celebrating diversity. 

Mahadevi Tina Defoy

Yogini-dancer and mystic Mahadevi has dedicated nearly 30 years to exploring the union of body and spirit through dance, meditation, and tantra. With a background in dance and yoga, she empowers individuals in their sacred embodiment, fostering healing and unity along their unique paths. 

Moana Meyer

 Moana Caroline Aluli Meyer is a magical interior designer, artist and creative whose life has been devoted to love, joy, peace, and creating beauty wherever she goes. As a native Hawaiian, she shares the flow of Aloha, reflecting the delight of living in the present moment. "Moana" means the ocean, symbolizing the depth of her journey.

Schirin Chams-Diba

Schirin Chams-Diba is a mystica, healer and multi-disciplinary artist. For the past two decades, she has taught feminine-aligned yoga, sacred dance traditions, esoteric lineages seen through the feminine lens, and holistic healing modalities. This has led to the culmination of her method 'Essence of the Feminine™'.


Toni Mikulka-Chang

Toni Mikulka-Chang, the creative force behind Giant Puppets Save the World, leverages her expertise in Bread and Puppet trained giant puppetry to unite communities through art. Her work spans performances, workshops, and festivals, advocating for sustainability and community through collaborative giant puppet projects.


Joining She Rose in the PAC NW:


Katana Moon

Being with Spirit is Katana's  soul journey. As a mystical nomad, she is a prism full of love, magic, wisdom and light. Breathing in the rainbow alchemy of dance and expressing it through her body overfills her and being a part of She Rose is a dream come true!


Tatia Ferrero

Tatia Ferrero is a practiced and professional dancer, approaching movement as a source of joy, release,healing, connection, and expression. She has studied a range of styles and performed for a wide variety of events and shows since 2015.


Joining She Rose in California


Halo Seronko

Halo, director of Rasika Dance Company, is a dedicated Classical Indian Dance student trained in Odissi under Guru Kelu Charan Mohapatra’s lineage. Currently exploring Central Asian dance with Miriam Peretz, she blends sacred dance traditions into her Shakti Temple Dance style and creative vision with Rasika Dance Company.


Mana Shams

Mana, born in Persia where dance was forbidden, immigrated to the U.S. to pursue freedom of expression. Now an elemental dancer, she connects to the divine through Sufi whirling and various sacred dance forms. Mana shares her wisdom as a temple keeper, inviting others into full embodiment and freedom.


Kelley Mountain

Since 2008, Kelley Mountain has been dedicated to Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, passionate about teaching and performing. She creates experiences for women to explore their bodies and inner worlds through dance. Her style blends martial arts, yoga, Chinese and Indian fusion dance, hip hop, and her connection to Spirit and The Goddess.


Sofia Rojas

Sofia discovered the healing arts of dance during the pandemic, an experience that ignited her passion to express the Self through embodied movement as a form of spiritual self practice. Teaching secondary school by day, and dancing by night, she continues on the path to becoming a certified movement coach and spreading the medicine of movement far and wide.