Nourish The Vessel Of Your Sound

A 2 Day Virtual Retreat with Marya Stark

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This Experience Includes:

  • 4 recorded Workshops
  • Sessions in Vocal Alchemy, Creative Writing, Song Craft, Movement, and Self-Discovery Through Archetypal Muse Craft
  • Downloadable Worksheets and Practices 










When I ask you about your relationship to voice and creativity,
I hear many of you saying:

I want to sing more than anything, but something seems to get in the way.

When I go to sing, the self-judgement, shame, and other mental noise gets too loud, and I stop myself.

I know I have many songs in me, and that I have something beautiful to share, but I don’t know the first thing when it comes to writing them.

I want to be more dedicated to my inner artist, but I get too distracted to focus on developing my craft.

There are too many negative cycles associated with my creativity and


I know what it’s like to have the unmistakable Urge of the Muse beckoning you to:

• Move into a stride where you feel good doing singing and creating.
• Bridge the gap between your vision and your implementation.
• Unfold as the more fully vocally expressed version of yourself.

And have fun doing it!

When your sense obstacles to breaking through in your voice and creativity, and you don’t know where to start working through all the layers, it’s easy to stay in the loop of inertia...

As such, I am opening

:: Vocal Alchemy Sanctuary ::

This is a space where you will get the chance to:

• Move through layers of fear, discomfort and resistance to singing
• Practice growing more confident in using your voice
• Schedule the dedicated time your creativity deserves
• Develop a rhythm for feeding your inspiration, before it slips away
• Receive essential nourishment for keeping your vessel open to creative revelation
• Get Activated in your Devotion to the Muses

Immerse in the alchemy of singing, writing songs and diving into the creative goldmine of your inner world.

*Unlike my longer containers this space is not gender specified and open to everyone.

Stop waiting to prioritize the voice that wants to move through you.

Your voice is a gift, and you are meant to know yourself through this special relationship to your sound.

Singing is one of the most powerful ways to connect to all aspects of ourselves. Everyone has a unique vocal signature, and to share it freely is one of the most liberating feelings in the world!

I want this for you!

Come And Let Your magic Out!!!

When You Feed The Muses
They Feed You Back

This Immersion Is For:

~ Songwriters- Just beginning or Seasoned Adepts

~ Vocalists of all levels who love to practice in a community space

~Those who are new to opening up your voice and want a space to be held while going beyond the comfort zone

~ Those desiring to be guided into deeper places you haven't been able to access on your own

~ Creatives who want a dedicated space to stir the muses

~ Mystics who desire to express your love and devotion to life through creative self-expression

~Space holders who want a container to receive, get resourced and invigorated in your practice

~ Facilitators who are continuing their education on how to incorporate creativity and sound into your spaces 

~ Souls who are curious about exploring new depths of your psyche through creative play

Join Us

"The space Marya creates and holds is one of the most exquisite that I have had the pleasure to participate in. I am deeply honored and grateful to have found her as a teacher, muse and fellow sister.

 I felt so held with love, grace, compassion, humor and celebration by Marya and all of the folks in the session. This experience has only confirmed my love and devotion for the power of sound and the voice to heal ourselves and the planet as a life path. This journey is absolutely delicious, deep and life changing.

- Alexandra

:: Vocal ::

That which is spoken, oral
from the root words
'vox'- to speak, to sound
'corde' or 'ghere' - rope, string, intestine 

This is a space which will explore the depths of the voice from a framework of mysticism of sound. We will familiarize ourselves with the inner cords of our instrument, and the chords of the soul

:: Alchemy ::

The process of transmutation;
of transforming one element into another.

The soul's pursuit of the transmutation of baser metals into gold.
From the root word
'ghue' "to pour" or that which is poured out

This is a place to practice inner alchemy through voice and song craft.
We will endeavour to embody our vessel and discover what might be 'poured out'
through sound and song.

:: Sanctuary ::

A consecrated space dedicated to practices of devotion to the Sacred.
From the root word 'Sanctum'- a holy place, reserved for the Divine.

This is a space dedicated to the exploration of that which is sacred. 
 It is a place for diving into cherishing wonder. 
A homecoming of the sacred within the body.
A space to be in communion with our emerging creativity.

Why Do We Stop Singing?

The words people say to us in our formative years about our musical explorations often interrupt our natural learning, and discourage us from developing our creative spark.

People’s words about our singing can be arresting, harmful, and utterly devastating.
Growing up, many of us have heard things like:

“You can’t hold a tune.
You’re being too loud.
You sound bad.
You’re being a show off.
You’re imitating me.
Your voice isn’t good.
You’re trying too hard.
You’re not trying hard enough.
You look weird when you sing.”
What did you hear?
How long have you carried that around?
Some of these phrases became mantra’s
They take root in the mind
and form how we talk to ourselves.

It can be really painful to carry these voices inside of us, and yet when we finally release the shame, and connect to our true voice, the freedom is Euphoric!!
What other people have said about your voice that has negatively
impacted you:
Banish those words immediately.

I invite you to make space in your being to know the following as true:

"I am a fortified instrument of the Great Song"
 "My Voice has inherent worth and value"
"My Voice contributes a unique energy imprint, and it is my birthright to share it"
 "Nourishing my creativity is a Life-Giving Act of Love"
 "I deserve to enjoy singing no matter what stage of learning I am at."
 "I deserve to embark on the wonderful self-discoveries of making sound" 
" Making music for its own sake is reason enough"
" My artistic inclinations deserve my attention"
 "Music Loves Me"

Vocal Alchemy Sanctuary 

This is the first in a series of seasonal retreats
centered in the voice, songwriting and creating and empowered relationship to our vessel.

Whether you are just getting started on your path of opening your voice or you're a seasoned adept in voice and expression, the Vocal Alchemy Sanctuary is a space to nourish your instrument, replenish your well of inspiration and invigorate your practice of tending to your vessel through sound and song craft.

In this immersion we will spend our time exploring 
multi-faceted practices of singing, muse devotion, and the art of songwriting. 

Enter the Sanctuary and be held in a dedicated space to go on the great adventure of  encountering your muses and invoking your inspiration.  
Leave feeling relaxed, refreshed + inspired. 

Tune up your instrument and get ready to play the next season in the song of your life.









'Vocal Alchemy Sanctuary' Is A Virtual Retreat Where You Will:

  • Explore your voice + facets of your expression that have been dormant + awaiting your invitation.
  •  Practice methods that support you to experience a more full bodied
    + robust expression in your life, work and relationships.
  • Cultivate methods of Alchemical Play with the Voice for personal ceremony, self-discovery and daily practice.
  • Move through resistance and fears connected to vocal opening.
  • Gain more confidence using your voice.
  • Nourish your relationship with your Vessel.
  • Develop new techniques and insights to incorporate into your creative writing. 
  • Receive guidance in several songwriting exercises
     + expand your skills in song catching.
  • Implement therapeutic creative methods to explore maps of the psyche.
  • Experience a dedicated weekend to feed your creative muses. 
  • Reconnect to your Creative Spark.
Enter The Sanctuary





Your Voice Is A Gift

About Your Guide

My name is Marya (rhymes with Arya) and I was born and raised in Phoenix Arizona. I currently reside in Grass Valley, Ca with my Bae, in our sweet forest home beside a creek. Here in our little valley, we are visited by blue herons, deer, hawks, owls and squirrels, and miners lettuce grows like grass all around the land.
My passions are songwriting, music producing, performing and world building. I love studying the intersection of spirit, story and psyche, and weaving these mystical discoveries through my art. I currently integrate these studies and express my passions primarily through producing albums, visual media and immersive mythic storytelling performance experiences. 
As a part of my bardic vocation, I tend this online learning space, Temple Of The Muse, where I offer workshops, courses, intimate group journeys and trainings. These offerings are the integration of nearly two decades of practice as a Music Therapist, Medical Qigong Therapist, Independent Artist + Transformational Guide. I bring perspectives from intensive studies in Buddhism, Energetic Psychology, the Development of the Psyche, Relational Health and Daoist Energy Cultivation. 

These creative journeys are designed for nourishing the inner muse, developing knowledge of self through creativity and exploring the path of human unfoldment.

"Marya is beyond brilliant. A true bard goddess muse of ancient times come to bless us with magic! Her work was instrumental in me anchoring daily practices that have helped move me forward in the creation of songs. How she weaves together her knowledge is very special and so needed.

It is both a journey of healing and creativity. I am still feeling the ripple effects of the course I took long after it’s completion!

Highly recommend this journey."

- Dakota


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